momo rabbit size m diaper
This is the diaper my baby has been using since she was 5 months old :)
Out of all the diapers I've used so far, there are two diapers that fit my baby well.
Momo Rabbit and Haggis Nature Made
My baby has sensitive skin, so she changes diapers even with a small amount of pee, so we usually change diapers 13-15 times a day.
I tried a lot of diapers, but Momo Rabbit diapers and Haggis Nature Made are cost-effective and fit my baby well.
I'm still using it to this day
momo rabbit size m diaper description
The medium size is for babies weighing 6kg-11kg
Size M contains a total of 44 sheets per pack.
The reason Momo Rabbit Eco-singsing band diapers are famous is because the diapers are very thin!
Thin diapers usually leak well, right? But this Momo rabbit diaper is very big and wide.
The ultra-thin compression absorbent sheet makes the diaper very thin, yet absorbent
you can buy it on coupang
모모래빗 21년형 에코씽씽 밴드형 기저귀 아동용 M
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."
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